The PMRP Podcast
The Post-Meridian Radio Players (the PMRP) have been performing audio dramas in front of an audience since 2005. This podcast will showcase some of our past performances from our almost two decade history, along with some new material and surprises! WWW.PMRP.ORG
26 episodes
Episode 24 : THE RENEGOTIATION (Season Finale)
A Podcast Premiere, heard here for the first time, it's Kevin Kordis' the Renegotiation.
Season 1
Episode 24

From the 2014 TOMES OF TERROR : NEVERMORE, here's Edgar Allen Poe's the Cask of Amontillado.https://pmrp.org/events/nevermore

Episode 22 : THE SIRENS OF WAR
From the Big Broadcast/Tomes of Terror in 2010, here's Alicia E. Goranson's the Sirens of War.https://pmrp.org/events/bb1946

Episode 21 : RED SHIFT in Dance of the Duplicates (Part Two)
RED SHIFT RETURNS! Heard for the first time since Arisia 2009, it's Part Two of "Dance of the Duplicates".https://pmrp.org/events/arisia09

Episode 20 : RED SHIFT in Dance of the Duplicates (Part One)
RED SHIFT RETURNS! Heard for the first time since Arisia 2009, it's Part One of "Dance of the Duplicates".https://pmrp.org/events/arisia09

Episode 19 : Reynardine
In a small English village, tempers flare over a Prophecy that a terrible fate will befall the village if a fox is killed during the annual Hunt. What does Alice know? Why does she fear the return of her lover, gone now these five y...

Episode 18 : Alice in Wonderland (Act Two)
The PMRP's classic adaptation of Alice in Wonderland! Act Two (of Two)https://pmrp.org/events/alice

Episode 17 : Alice in Wonderland (Act One)
The PMRP's classic adaptation of Alice in Wonderland! Act One (of Two)https://pmrp.org/events/alice

Episode 16 : The Four Chaplains (Double Length)
The Four Chaplains is a historical drama representing the real-life sinking of the USAT Dorcester during World War II. After being struck by a torpedo, four chaplains that were on board helped evacuate the ship eventually givi...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 15 : Red Shift in the "Upgrade Ultimatum" Part Two!
t's GO TIME! THE POST-MERIDIAN RADIO PLAYERS returned to Boston's largest sci-fi convention with another live episode of their original sci-fi comedy, which pays homage to the pulp sci-fi serials of t...

Episode 14 : Red Shift in the "Upgrade Ultimatum" Part One!
It's GO TIME! THE POST-MERIDIAN RADIO PLAYERS returned to Boston's largest sci-fi convention with another live episode of their original sci-fi comedy, which pays homage to the pulp sci-fi serials of ...
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13 : Arsène Lupin in the Mysterious Traveler
The PMRP first Arsène Lupin production! From 2015, it's Arsène Lupin in the Mysterious Traveler! https://pmrp.org/events/sas15
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode Twelve : The Madmen's Guild : I've Got No Spoon Part Five
The finale of Isaiah Plovnick's I've Got No Spoon! Expect lunacy.https://pmrp.org/projects/madmensguild/

Episode Eleven : Junkyard
A recreation from the Sci-Fi series X-Minus One. From Summer 2011, we present the classic episode "Junkyard."https://pmrp.org/events/srt11

Episode Ten : Lady Molly of Scotland Yard - The Ninescore Mystery
From our Summer Mysteries, 2014, it's the first episode of Lady Molly of Scotland Yard.You can purchase this performance (and support the PMRP) as part of our Super Sleuths package, available here:https://pmrp.bandcamp.com/album...

Episode Nine : The Madmen's Guild : I've Got No Spoon Part Four
More Madmen Madness from Isaiah Plovnick! Chapter Four of I've Got No Spoon, entitled... "A Bird on the Head is Worth More than a Boot."MADMEN.PMRP.ORG

Episode Eight: The Madmen's Guild - I've Got No Spoon, Part Three
The Madmen's Guild saga continues in part three, "Cracking the Pot!"https://pmrp.org/projects/madmensguild/

Episode Seven : Sherlock Holmes in a Scandal in Bohemia
The Sherlock Holmes classic, a Scandal in Bohemia, from summer 2017.https://pmrp.org/events/srt17

Episode Six: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!
A special double length episode for Christmas, our adaptation of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!https://pmrp.org/events/santa2018

Episode Five: The Madmen's Guild - I've Got No Spoon, Part Two
The second chapter of I've Got No Spoon by Isaiah Plovnick, "Attention, Coppersteam!"(Now in Stereo!)https://pmrp.org/projects/madmensguild/

Episode Four: The Madmen's Guild - I've Got No Spoon Part One
Premiering here on the PMRP Podcast, the first episode of a new five part serial from Isaiah Plovnick! The Madmen's Guild - I've Got no Spoon. Episode One : The Missing Professor. (NOW IN STEREO)https://pmrp.org/projects/mad...

Episode Three and a Half : The Madmen's Guild Preview Trailer
Coming soon to the podcast, a five part serial from Isaiah Plovnick. The Madman's Guild! https://pmrp.org/projects/madmensguild/

Episode Three : Red Shift, Interplanety Do-Gooder in Coundown to Chaos! (Act Two)
From New Year's Eve 2009, we present the second act of the Red Shift classic, Countdown to Chaos! Cast and credits in the event page:https://pmrp.org/events/firstnight09

Episode Two : Red Shift, Interplanetary Do-Gooder in Countdown to Chaos! (Act One)
From New Years Eve, 2009, we present the first act of the science fiction send-up: Red-Shift, Interplanetary Do-Gooder in... COUNTDOWN to CHAOS! Cast and Credits in the event page:https://pmrp.org/events/firstnight09
Season 1
Episode 2